Ultrasonic Cleaning Services is a subsidiary of BDC (TORBAY) LTD and was formed after director Mike Dodd discovered an opportunity to service the requirements of the local fishing fleet.
Our services cater mainly for the fishing industry and commericial / pleasure-craft sectors, but are not limited to those areas. Please browse our services page for more information on what can be cleaned. Our cleaning services help ensure your equipment lasts its intended life span and beyond. No other cleaning method gets results quite like Ultrasonic treatment. Our process is non-corrosive, highly effective and our service is unique within 100 miles of Brixham where we are situated. Should you have need of our services please call us on 0180 385 7500 or contact us by email here.
Ultrasound is used widely throughout industry for removing problem contamination from all forms of hard surfaces, such as metals, plastics and ceramics. Its unique properties can be harnessed to clean items of all shapes and sizes and technical complexity; penetrating holes and cavities that are impossible to reach using ordinary cleaning methods. The principle of the process of ultrasonic cleaning is as follows. Piezo electric transducers are attached to the cleaning tanks. They generate ultrasound waves that vibrate the cleaning fluid at very high velocity, creating a process called cavitation. Millions of tiny bubbles implode within the solution and penetrate into every orifice of the item being cleaned, removing dirt and grime within seconds. |